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文章發表於 : 2008年 8月 16日, 16:31 

註冊時間: 2008年 8月 2日, 16:41

文章: 504


-- 2008年8月12日 -- 減重的人們,在第二類型糖尿病診斷有他們的血壓和血糖更好的控制并且是可能維護控制之後,即使他們收復他們的重量,根據在網上在糖尿病關心出版的研究。

這是第一項臨床研究表示,好處依然是,即使患者收復他們的重量。 研究跟隨了超過2,500個成人與第二類型糖尿病4年。 那些人失去的重量在平均之內18個月,在診斷兩次是一樣可能達到他們的血壓和血糖目標,像沒有丟失重量的那些人之後。 那些好處可能防止與糖尿病有關的心臟病、盲目性、神經和腎臟損傷和死亡。

"PORTLAND, Ore -- August 12, 2008 -- People who lose weight soon after a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes have better control of their blood pressure and blood sugar and are more likely to maintain that control even if they regain their weight, according to a study published online in Diabetes Care.
This is the first clinical study to show that benefits remain even if patients regain their weight. The study followed more than 2,500 adults with type 2 diabetes for 4 years. Those who lost weight within an average of 18 months after diagnosis were up to twice as likely to achieve their blood pressure and blood sugar targets as those who didn't lose weight. Those benefits can prevent diabetes-related heart disease, blindness, nerve and kidney damage, and death.

"Our study shows that early weight loss can reduce the risk factors that so often lead to diabetes complications and death," said lead author, Adrianne Feldstein, MD, MS, Kaiser Permanente's Center for Health Research, Portland, Oregon. "We've known for a long time that weight loss is an important component in diabetes treatment and prevention. Now it appears there may be a critical window of opportunity following diagnosis in which some lasting gains can be achieved if people are willing to take immediate steps toward lifestyle changes."

http://www.docguide.com/news/content.ns ... =&count=10

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